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The Top 5 Benefits of Organic Groundnut Oil

More and more people have started getting aware of oils and the health hazards they can cause, resulting in people thinking more consciously about it while shopping and buying rations. Many even prefer to eat food that does not require oil to make, completely abstaining from oil itself. Are such fears valid? And do we have any alternatives?

To some extent, oil can be harmful, and concerns regarding oil are valid. However, there are workarounds and alternatives to enjoying oily food. Groundnut oil, for example, is an excellent and healthy alternative if you want to lessen the risks while also enjoying food that requires oil. Even better, it can be made more organically through the cold press method, in which oil is extracted at room temperature, without adding external chemicals or supplying external heat. This makes organic groundnut oil a pure alternative to whatever else is available on the market. In contrast to this, refined oils are more harmful, owing to the process of refining, bleaching and deodorizing that they have to go through. If your health concerns you, organic groundnut oil is what you should be looking for.

Still wondering why it’s better? Here are five reasons why switching to groundnut oil can be greatly beneficial.

1. Good Fat Content

Not all fats are harmful. Monounsaturated fat which is present in groundnut oil is referred to as ‘good fat’ as it helps reduce cholesterol levels in your body. This lessens the risk of heart disease, which is also the primary reason why many people avoid oils early on. Cholesterol that is harmful is referred to as ‘bad cholesterol’ or LDL. What groundnut oil produces is ‘good cholesterol’ or HDL. With organic groundnut oil, you will not have to worry about cholesterol blocking your arteries.

2. Blood Sugar Regulation

People with diabetes might also avoid oily food for the fear of it might increase their blood sugar. This is true for a number of oils, but not this one. Groundnut oil regulates blood sugar levels by facilitating the production of insulin, through the use of polyunsaturated fats and oleic acid, a very important chemical responsible for insulin creation. If you are diabetic, the addition of groundnut oil to your pantry should not be an issue.

3. Cancer Prevention

This is more towards the experimental side, but numerous studies have shown a correlation between cancer reduction and groundnut oil. This is because of the phytochemicals in groundnut oil which diminish cancer-causing cells and prevent their growth. Additionally, Phytosterols and beta-sitosterol are also linked to lowering the risks of cancer. There can be no better reason to use groundnut oil.

4. Positive Effects on the Nervous System

Groundnut oil is known to contain omega 6 fatty acids, which advertisers love to point out. This is because this compound helps in the overall functioning of the nervous system. This same compound also helps in lowering heart disease risks, helps with ADHD, and lowers cholesterol levels, making it the selling point of groundnut oil.

5. Great Mix of Healthy Compounds

Organic groundnut oil contains iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, Vitamin E, B6, calcium and zinc, all of which benefit the body in different ways. These are all crucial nutrients and minerals absolutely required for healthy growth.


After reading this article, it should be clear that organic groundnut oil has many benefits. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, it helps to lower cholesterol levels, and it has a high smoke point, making it ideal for cooking. If you are looking for a healthy cooking oil, then organic groundnut oil is a great option. You can purchase it online at Shop Gulab.


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